Save time and money by using our corrugated pre-wired tubes in your electricity and data transmission installations. They can be used with any type of electric, telephone, aerial, data transmission, or sound equipment cables. There are more than 40 references in the range so that you are sure to find a pipe that meets your needs and in any case, you can always consult us regarding any type of cable or wire you wish to run.  Our corrugated piping meets UNE standard 500086 and UNE EN Standard 60423.


Does not propagate fire. Maximum flexibility, even at low temperatures. Transversely elastic (when the transverse force bending the tube and applied for a short period of time is released, the tube returns to its original shape).


Laying of electric or other kinds of cables and wires in floors, concrete, walls, partitions, hung plaster ceilings..etc.

For a full list of our product range and/or prices, please visit our Download area.

Save time when installing electricity, telephone or coaxial cables by using our corrugated tubes.


Corrugated Tube

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